
Lesbian Digital Nomads

Lesbian Digital Nomads

Life in America for women, especially lesbians is getting worse.  Who knows what other rights women will lose in this country with this Supreme Court and the Republicans back in power.  Lesbian Digital Nomads are a reality!  Did the increase in wolrd-wide Digital Nomads Programs make travel around the world for lesbians easier? Are you thinking about becoming one? 

Because of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade, many women will move out of the USA.   Life is too short to stay in a country you are treated as a second-class citizen in a place that is supposed to be United but isn’t.  Join in one of our zoom groups to discuss your possibly moving overseas at LesbianEarth.com.

And already I am reading of women from all around the world refusing to move to the USA for either jobs, school or with their husbands because of the Supreme Court decision.

This are incredibly great times to leave the USA.  Many countries are seeing that Americans are getting so fed up they are thinking about moving overseas to another country.  It could lead to a brain drain in the USA.  At least you know a lot of women will leave. 

Recently the best program that is being offered is the Digital Nomad program. 

The person who knows so much about changing geography of work is researcher at Harvard Business School. Prithwiraj Choudhury.  He is fond of saying: “Before, companies used to be fighting for talent. Now, countries and regions are fighting for talent, too.”  We might as well go to a place where women are not a second-class citizen are appreciated.

Women are now being asked to accept their second-class status here in the USA.  Many are thinking if they have to move out of a Red state but if birth control will even be illegal in a blue state, maybe just move overseas. There is nothing fair about our current Supreme Court.


Is a Digital Nomad Program  Your Ticket out of the Country?

There is a solution! The new digital nomad visas are a wonderful solution to these crazy times. If you can work remote, you and your business you work for get a lot of protection.  These digital nomads are not a loophole to evade taxes. You still pay taxes here in the USA until you decide to give you your residency in the USA.  But there is always the three- to six-month tourist visa options available to everyone.

I have friends who became expats over the last ten years and the procedure was complex and requited a lawyer, a lot of stipulations of spending certain amounts of time in the other country.  

All that has changed.  So, if you are thinking of leaving the USA it is much easier and cheaper now.    These countries (see the list at the end of this article) are smart because they know they can get great talent to move to their country right now and they are going to take advantage of it.   

Digital nomad groups for lesbians? Is there a community  on Face book for queer digital nomads?
Queer Women Digital Nomads.  There are many Black digital nomads groups (Black Mex Pats, Blaxit Tribe)
LesbianEarth-Lesbian- Digital-Nomads-all-over-the-world

How Big is this Lesbian Digital Nomad Movement

There are an estimated 2 million Gay and Lesbian Digital Nomads.  There are currently 9 Million Americans overseas according to the State Department.  In the past it was gun violence, cost of living, unsafe cities with increased homelessness, politics where both sides are getting increasingly further apart, terrible and expensive health care, school systems, greed of Big Business, corrupt politicians.  You name it, there are a lot of reasons for people left the United States.  We wrote a whole blog on just this topic.

There has been a mass exodus before.  In 1910 six million African Americans moved from the south to the north.  With politics so polarizing here in the United States and this Supreme Court, it is just the reason another 9 million will leave.

And there is a great way to get your feet wet.  Look at LesbianEarth for caravan trips also this FaceBook group.

Lesbian Digital Nomads are leaving the States

Programs for Lesbian Entrepreneurs

There are even programs for entrepreneurs. Startup-Chile started in 2010 and now has a few billion dollar companies including vegan food tech NotCo and on-demand grocery deliver Cornershop

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Pay no local taxes in United Arab Emirates (UAE) 

Plus, with the one-year residency permit a resident ID card (which you need for Covid vaccines and local medical care).  Also, you can open a bank account.  Best of all, pay no local taxes in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for at least a year. 

In Brazil proof of $1,500 in earnings gets you in their Digital Nomad program.

You don’t have to have a high paying, high tech job either.  Just remote.  For instance, $1,500 a month in Brazil is all that is required to get in on the program.

 In Argentina get a break on rent, office space and flights

Digital nomads get breaks on  accommodation, co-working spaces and internal flights with Aerolíneas Argentinas.

The benefits are getting better every day.  Italy is finishing up their  Digital Nomad program (in September 2022) and Italy expects to see a huge number of former USA citizens relocate there. 

Which Countries Have a Digital Nomad Visas in  2022:

Antigua and Barbuda – Nomad Digital Residence Visa

Argentina – Short-Term Residence Permit for Digital

Aruba – One Happy Workstation

The Bahamas – Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS) Permit

Barbados – 12-Month Welcome Stamp Visa

Bermuda – Work from Bermuda One Year Residential Certificate

Brazil -Digital Nomad Visa

Cabo Verde – Cabo Verde Remote Working Visa Program

Cayman Islands – Global Citizen Concierge Program

Costa Rica – Short-Term Visa for Remote Workers or Service Providers

Croatia – Digital Nomad Visa

Curaçao – @HOME in Curaçao

Cyprus – Remote Work Visa

Dominica – Work in Nature (WIN) Extended Stay Visa

Estonia – Digital Nomad Visa

Georgia – Remotely from Georgia

Greece – Digital Nomad Visa

Hungary – White Card

Italy – in the works ready by September 2022

Iceland – Long-term visa

Malta – Nomad Residence Permit

Mauritius – Premium Visa

Montserrat – Remote Worker Stamp

Panama – Short-Term Visa as Remote Worker

Romania – Digital Nomad Visa

Saint Lucia – Live It

Seychelles – Visitors’ Workcation Permit

Sri Lanka – Digital Nomad Visa

United Arab Emirates – Remote Working Visa Scheme

United Arab Emirates – Dubai – Virtual Working Program