Albuquerque is the Best Lesbian City in the USA.

Judging on the number of women who have joined our Albuquerque Queer Women’s Meetup Group here during the last three years, I would have to say it is Albuquerque, New Mexico. They came from the West Coast, the East Coast, Chicago and little cites in between.  The reasons included being able to buy a house, a big lesbian community, a lesbian friendly state, sensational weather. 

Other reasons are wanting to be physically active, low-cost living, great biking, camping, and the rural/non-rural mix, and best of all the traffic.  Downsizes are the crime and homelessness. But what big city in America doesn’t have that problem?



How could I have an opinion about Albuquerque being the fastest growing city in America? 

I had to do some digging.

Why even if I had access to the all the details in the census information, I couldn’t get my answer.  Lesbians are all lumped together under the LGTIB    There is no way to figure out what the fastest growing lesbian city is because lesbian get thrown into the GLBTI+ category all the time.  How does the census information count Lesbians you might ask?

This is how LGBT get recorded according to US Census.

Survey respondents are categorized as LGBT if they:

  • Report a sex at birth that does not align with their current gender identity.
  • Report a sexual orientation of gay, lesbian or bisexual.
  • Currently identify as transgender.

Since there is no access to the breakdown of lesbians of the how does a lesbian supposed to know where to move to? 

Obviously, I tried doing a Google search on Best Lesbian Cities 2022.  You get nothing but top cities for LGBTIQQ.  While Google doesn’t even break us out as a category, neither does the US Census!

Searching the Internet and there are different lists with no supporting numbers to back them up. Lesbians are thrown in to the LGBTIQ+ category and the cities are San Francisco, Portland, Oregon; New York, NY; Northampton, Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts; Austin, Texas, and Denver, Colorado. 

Subsequently post-Covid I don’t really think there are a lot of lesbians that want to pay $2000+ to live in a tiny apartment in these cities. Besides these cities are surging with homelessness, traffic and increase crime.   Add to the list of pros, sensational weather with over 300 days of sunshine each year and four seasons.  

Albuquerque is the Best Lesbian City in the USA.

Realistically (especially if weather is a consideration), it is down to Salt Lake City, Utah, Tucson/Phoenix   Arizona and Albuquerque, NM.  


Moreover, Salt Lake City is a beautiful place to live, and they did vote in a lesbian mayor, Jackie Biskupski, but she did not last.  I couldn’t even imagine what she went through being the Mayor of Salt Lake City.   I checked and the Mormons are still anti-lesbian along with prolife, Republican, well you get the picture.  Not a very lesbian friendly state.  Undoubtedly Arizona is a red, red, red, did I mention red state?  Additionally, is another reason so many lesbians moved to Albuquerque during Covid.  You can still get a house with the $2000 rent you would be paying for in the big cites.  Lets see if you had a choice between a one bedroom or a three-bedroom house with a yard?  Plus, except for our winds we do have great weather year-round. 

It is a great place to start a business and the state recently received $74 million towards development of small business.

Albuquerque is pro-choice.

Netflix has a major hub here and you will see movies being made all over town.  You might even want to get involved in the movie business.  Above all there is inexpensive training to be in front or in back of the movie camera.

The best part is the rich diversification of the people.  There are Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics and Anglos.  The rich heritage makes for a wonderful community.  The Disney family made a major contribution towards the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

Not only is Albuquerque  liberal but it is also pro-choice surrounded by a sea of conservative states.  Albuquerque does take hate crimes very seriously and  reports  hate crimes to the FBI.


And there are tons of things to do for Lesbians.  We work with a group, Albuquerque Queer Women Meetup.  It is a private group and you have to be a member.  But there are usually 15 or more things to do each month.  Want more proof?  Even the city lists events for Lesbian!  You wont find that in the other fly over states!

Besides, we have a Lesbian owned Brewery called Bow and Arrow.

But that is  my opinion.  And here are a few comments from our transplants. 

If you liked this article, see more at What It Means to Be a Lesbian in 2023.