Have you heard about this cool group called EQUAL MEANS EQUAL? They are working really hard to make sure that women have the same rights. They have done some amazing things! They helped ratify the last three states we needed for the ERA, which stands for Equal Rights Amendment. This constitutional amendment (the 28th) is super important because it says that everyone should be treated equally in our country. EQUAL MEANS EQUAL wants to celebrate the 100th birthday of the ERA, and they want you to join in on the fun! They are throwing a party to honor all the people who worked hard for equal rights, and they want you to be a part of it. It’s like a birthday party for the ERA! By having this party, we can teach people about the importance of equal rights and show our support. And the best part is, if we celebrate and spread the word, the ERA can become a part of our Constitution, making it even more special. So let’s have a fun and meaningful party to celebrate this important milestone!
You see, when lots of people come together and speak up, it can make a big difference. We want to show the government that we really care about equal rights and we want them to do the right thing. By having these parties and raising our voices, we hope that the President and other important people will listen and make sure the ERA becomes a part of our Constitution, just like it should be.
Your Freedom hinges on the decisions you make right now.
The President and the U.S. Archivist have important jobs, and they are responsible for following the law. The President needs to make sure all the laws are carried out, and the U.S. Archivist is supposed to publish new Amendments in the Constitution. Since so many states have already agreed that the ERA should be the 28th Amendment, it’s the President’s duty to make it happen.
You see, when lots of people come together and speak up, it can make a big difference. We want to show the government that we really care about equal rights and we want them to do the right thing. By having these parties and raising our voices, we hope that the President and other important people will listen and make sure the ERA becomes a part of our Constitution, just like it should be.
The President and the U.S. Archivist have important jobs, and they are responsible for following the law. The President needs to make sure all the laws are carried out, and the U.S. Archivist is supposed to publish new Amendments in the Constitution. Since so many states have already agreed that the ERA should be the 28th Amendment, it’s the President’s duty to make it happen.
Join us for An #ERA100 party on August 26 at Orpheum Community Hub at Albuquerque Homeownership Center
Its going to be a fun get-together with games, activities, and learning opportunities. You’ll meet other people who care about equal rights, just like you do. It’s a chance to have a good time while also making a positive impact on the world.
So, by attending the party, you’ll be honoring the people who worked so hard for equal rights, gaining knowledge and tools to continue their mission, and making sure that the future is better for everyone, boys, girls, and everyone in between.