Reasons Lesbians are leaving the USA
The United States Supreme Court is cruel to women. We are not protected with equal rights. After Roe v Wade many women, including lesbians and queer women, are thinking about leaving the United States. There are plenty of reasons lesbians are leaving the USA now.
There are two important considerations about this Supreme Court decision. 1) Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lied to the US Senate. 2) The justices illegally forced their religion on the nation – in violation of the 1st Amendment. This is an illegal attempt to force a religious dogma upon the American people. In essence, the Justices eviscerated the Constitution and the law. They voted their religion against the 1st Amendment, and they committed perjury during their confirmation. When the Supreme Court is packed with criminals it is worthless. I don’t know how most people will ever consider any Supreme Court decisions valuable again. Another thing. There is an expectation by these Justices that the criminal justice system will apply its boots to the necks of women and physicians that do not concur with these Justices’ religious dogma. This is very authoritarian and sickening.

If you need more reasons lesbians are leaving the USA, here are another nine reasons to leave.
- Very few in Washington is watching out for women’s rights so it is better to go to another country where women have rights. Just think, abortion is legal in Mexico, Brazil and Ireland.
- Safer communities. There is not so much gun violence anywhere in the world as there is in the United States.
- Better healthcare.
- Cheaper Healthcare.
- It is still relatively easy to get a Visa and residency Papers.
- Nowhere in the world is there this much hate from the left and right
Disagreements are getting more violent in the United States.
- Less fast food so you will be healthier.
- Better schools for you kids
- New travel experiences through digital nomads offered by 25 countries around the world (Smart – countries outside of the United States are trying to attract talent!)
- Your other rights are now in question.
See our blog about Lesbian Nomads and all the groups that are starting with this movement. Also, there are Facebook groups. The Lesbians Living in Germany and the Lesbians living in Malta. Wondering what does it mean to be a Lesbian now?