
Get by With a Little Help From Your Friends. Starting Tuesday, September 24, 6:30 PM Mountain time and 7:30 PM Pacific Time.

This is Lesbian+Earth's Online Friend Community. The purpose? It was created by lesbians+ and queer women to meet other lesbians+ and queer women. We have the friendliest group on the internet and we would love it it if you join us online.

Isn't it great to have lesbian+ and queer women friends and forge new connections to talk about different things. Our community is actually really open to friendship. The data shows that so many people are lacking for community, and that is why we do these online events. So the goal of our Online Lesbian+ Community helping people to cultivate and sustain close, healthy friendships, connections, and communities.
A place to provide a safe, affirming, and inclusive space for Lesbians+ and Queer Women. Let’s face it, making friends in adulthood can be hard.
Our goal to help you make healthy friendships, connections here at Lesbian+Earth.com.
So put yourself out there and please join Tuesday, September 24, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Central (7:30PM to 9:00 PM Pacific). Its free, so what are you waiting for, sign up here:

Sign up here. Its free.